Interview Tips and Suggestions


Before the interview

• Do your homework! Learn as much as you can about the company before the interview. Research their website and look them up on LinkedIn. The Interviewer will be impressed that you made an effort to learn and understand about them.

• Know where you are going… Map out the location of interview.. If you can, drive by the site of the interview so you know exactly where you are going.

• Arrive 5-10 minutes early to your interview… this will give you time to settle and/or fill out any paperwork they are requesting.

• Be prepared when you go into the interview… Bring extra copies of your resume, portfolio, a notepad that may have questions you prepared and to then take any notes for yourself.

• Dress for Success! Clean and groomed appearance. Dress conservatively. Do not wear loud clothes and keep perfume, cologne to a minimum.


During the interview

• When you greet the interviewer: Look them straight in the eye and offer a strong handshake.

• Be Confident: Smile, Be prepared, Don’t slouch, No gum chewing.

•Always face the interviewer with good posture and body language.

• Pay attention to what the interviewer is saying.

• Organize your thoughts before speaking - it is ok to take a moment to gather your thoughts before answering a question.

• Be honest with your answers, provide explanations and examples.


Ending the interview

• Ask any job related questions.

• Make sure the interviewer knows how to best contact you.

• Thank the interview for their time and interest with a strong handshake.


After the interview

• Please call the recruiter at the Assurance group who you have been working with to give them an update on the interview.

• Send the interviewer a Thank You note and CC the Assurance group.

• Recruiter from the Assurance group will follow up with interviewer.

• Should an offer be made, the recruiter will contact you and present the information.

• Recruiter will negotiate and ask questions on your behalf with the interviewer.

• Should an offer not be presented, the Assurance group will continue to work with you to find a new opportunity.


Why People May NOT get hired

• Poor personal appearance

• Inability to communicate clearly, poor voice, and grammar

• Lack of planning for a career… no purpose or goals

• Lack of enthusiasm and confidence in the interview

• Condemning past employers

• Failure to look the interviewer in the eye

• Limp handshake

• Late to the interview

• Does not thank the interviewer for his/her time

• Asks no questions

• Lack of knowledge about the business or position


Resume Tips


• Be consistent in format & content

• Make it easy to read & follow, balancing space

• Use consistent spacing, bold, & capitalization for emphasis

• List headings (such as experience) in order of importance

• Within headings, list information in reverse chronological order (most recent first)

• Avoid information gaps

• Be sure that your formatting translates properly if converted to a .pdf format


• Use personal pronouns

• Abbreviations

• Use a narrative style

• Number or letter categories

• Use slang

• Start each line with a date


• Spelling & grammar errors

• Missing email & phone information

• Using passive language instead of “action” words

• Not well organized, concise, or easy to review

• Not tailored to the position